Application Inspector Error


When I try to use the application inspector, it shows me this error:


Using the browser developer tools, it looks like it is doing a wrong request:


The developer tools make the request you configure it with. Have you tried configuring the request without the value referenced in the error message?

There is nothing to configure in the application inspector, just the OAuth client to inspect:

Sorry, it was hard to tell what you're doing with the really tightly cropped screenshots. It looks like the supporting API may have had a breaking change as that page hasn't changed in a long time. Looking into it.

@Adrian_Santamaria The root cause of the issue with the page was identified to be a breaking change to the API that wasn't announced, so we weren't aware the app needed an update to accommodate it. The change has now been announced: Emergency breaking change to usage query, and the fix for the Application Inspector tool is pending deployment and should go out tonight now deployed.

Thank you for reporting the issue!

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