Architect Flow Prompt behaviour

We are looking at using Archy to sync flows between a Dev and Prod org
We have tried some basic testing and exported an Architect flow (from Architect) in the YAML format and imported it using Archy into the customer Dev org
Works well, but all of the Prompts have changed from prompt to expression
prompt: Prompt.CSCMain_MainMenu

exp: Prompt.CSCMain_MainMenu

Is this expected behavior?

Hi @Brains66,

Yes this is the expected behavior. The prompt handling in the yaml is more of a user experience to simulate what you see in the Architect UI. Behind the scenes it will still be set as expression text though.


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Thanks @jon.vansteen . Is there any plans to change this behaviour? For us users that dont use YAML for creating or editing Architect flows, the flows become more problematic to read in the UI now, as you have to go into Edit mode to understand whats happening inside the expression.

@Brains66 there is no plans to change this behavior currently. You can request new features and share your use case though at!


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