Archy 2.18.0 setup error on coreIsoLanguageViewModel

Hello, when I do an archy setup, archy runs the refresh phase and retrieves the objects. Just before writing them to the schemas directory, it gives an error message and exits with error 99. It does not produce the schemas directory. The output is like below. It complains about coreIsoLanguageViewModel and 'Arabic (Israel)', however I have not specified anything about language and I don't have any setting on my environment (Windows 10 nor Genesys Cloud orgs) related to that language. This happened on multiple orgs on different EU regions.

I would appreciate guidance. I cannot use archy as it is.

found 1 message script(s).
found 3 screenPop script(s).
Organization information loaded. Now setting up JSON schemas.
schemas directory set to 'C:\Tools\GenesysCloud\Archy\archyHome\schemas'.

  • Parameter 'coreIsoLanguageViewModel' in 'ArchLanguage.Constructor' is invalid. Reason: ERROR! the specified core isoLanguage does not have a valid id. -- [Label:'Arabic (Israel)', Tag:'ar-IL', Type:'ArchLanguage']
  • ERROR! session startup initialization for startWithClientIdAndSecret complete. Caught unhandled exception waiting for callback function returned promise to resolve. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'eu-central-1', ArchSessionId:'ryE_1kV73', OrgName:'...', OrgId:'307a20fc-5594-478f-89a2-...']
  • ERROR! ArchSession.startWithClientIdAndSecret - Caught unhandled exception during callback function execution. Ending session. Exception info: - Parameter 'coreIsoLanguageViewModel' in 'ArchLanguage.Constructor' is invalid. Reason: ERROR! the specified core isoLanguage does not have a valid id. -- [Label:'Arabic (Israel)', Tag:'ar-IL', Type:'ArchLanguage']. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'eu-central-1', ArchSessionId:'ryE_1kV73', OrgName:'...', OrgId:'307a20fc-5594-478f-89a2-...']
  • ERROR! ending the Session. Setting the exit code to 99. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'eu-central-1', ArchSessionId:'ryE_1kV73', OrgName:'...', OrgId:'307a20fc-5594-478f-89a2-...']
    setting the Archy exit code to 99
    An error occurred.

 Archy - Architect Yaml Flow Processor ver. 2.18.0 - Failure

DateTime: Mon Apr 24 2023 13:56:31 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00)

Hi @Berktan_Bestel,

Thanks for reaching out with this issue. I'll take a look into this issue today and report back with what I find.


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