Archy Authentication Failure - Error 401

Hi Everyone,

Whenever I'm running the archy refresh, archy create --file Archy-Demo.yaml command
I'm experiencing exit error code - 99. From the log I could see the authentication failure (- Method in 'ArchSession.startWithAuthToken' is in error. Reason: . ERROR! error getting user info - Request Error (401): No authentication bearer token specified in authorization header. (authentication.required)), but I'm not sure how to resolve this issue. Can you anyone help me with this? #platform-api #genesys-cloud-integrations:archy #genesys-cloud-integrations


Thanks in advance,
Sureshkumar Mahalingam.

Hi @suresh.kumar,

Thanks for reaching out. Did you happen to configure an authToken at one time when performing the setup or configure command? You can find this out by running the archy dump command which will print out all configuration settings. If there is an authToken configured, it may be that it is no longer valid which is causing the 401 error you are seeing. I tested using an invalid authToken for this value and saw the same 401 error.

You can reset this value by running archy configure -k authToken and then typing clear in the prompt when it asks to enter an authToken. This should then clear the value out. Let me know if this help!


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Thank you @jon.vansteen, they above command fixed my issue.

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