Archy dependency tracking, rename flows name

HI Team,

1- Is it possible to use archy to download a flow and its dependent flows, without having to download all the flows of the organization?

2- Is it possible to rename the object (name:) of a flow and its dependent flows using archy when importing? This with the aim of having a production and development environment in the same organization using flows with different names and sharing the same organization objects.

3- Is there a command (dependency tracking) that allows exporting a flow map(json) and its dependent flows?

we already check:

get_architect_dependencytracking_consumedresources (

but we need a way to map the dependencies(flows)and rename each of them with the ending _DEV or _PROD.

The drawback we see in the Dependency Tracking API is that we also need to find the dependencies of the flows that are part of the main flow.

Any suggestions using bash or other language that allow us to rename the main flow and its dependent flows are welcome.


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