Archy export failing to find flow by name

I am trying to export an inqueue flow using archy. I execute the following command:
archy export --flowName "8425 inQueue (PROD)" --flowType inqueuecall --exportType yaml --outputDir export_inqueuecall --force

and get the following error:

  • ERROR! find 'flow name' by value of '8425 inQueue (PROD)' - no matches for '8425 inQueue (PROD)'

The requested flow does exist and can be exported as a yaml file from the GUI. I suspect that the parenthesis are causing the issue. Does anyone know how to properly escape the characters so they will allow the export to occur?

Thank you!

Further investigation seems to eliminate the parentheses as the issue. I saved the flow using Save As ... with the same name except PROD was not enclosed in parentheses and am having the same error occur. I am unable to determine the cause of the export errors. However the same error does occur in other flow types as well (inboundcall, commonmodule, etc.)

Thank you for any assistance