Archy Publish Credential Parameters

When running archy create without specifying Client ID and Client Secret, archy automatically refers to the credentials passed in archy setup.
In contrast, archy publish without passing Client ID and Client Secret manually, throws an error on missing parameter values. No referral archy setup credentials is enabled.
Might it be possible to make archy publish refer to the archy setup credentials in the future?

Thanks in advance.

Hi CWebkas, please share your suggestion by opening an idea in our ideas portal

Hi CWebkas,

What version of Archy are you currently using? And just so I understand, when you use the archy publish command it only works if you specify the --clientId and --clientSecret parameters with the command?

Could you share the full command that you are running and also share the error message that is returned for the missing parameter values?

The archy publish command works the same as the create command where it will default to the settings within your .archy_config file. For example when I run the publish command:

processing the configuration setting 'clientId'.
getting the value for the setting 'clientId' from the Archy configuration file.
processing the configuration setting 'clientSecret'.
getting the value for the setting 'clientSecret' from the Archy configuration file.

which indicates that its pulling from the .archy_config file. Could you also see what the processing is logging out for the client id and client secret settings when you run the publish command and share them?


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