Archy Refresh - Basic Schemas Only


The current documentation about Archy Schemas says that "[...] if you told Archy to perform a refresh, Archy generates JSON object schemas both for Archy flow objects but also objects for individual queues, groups, wrapup codes, data actions, etc. etc. that were configured for your organization at that point in time when the setup command was run."

I would like to know if there is a way to get only the schemas for Archy flow objects, without having to fetch all the info for all the Genesys Cloud org-specific elements.

For big orgs, having to download all the elements info can take a lot, and be outdated quite soon. Also, usually most of those schemas are unused. The flow designer may already know the names of the elements that he/she wants to use, so downloading them in that case would be pointless.

It would be fantastic to have something like a --basicSchemasOnly in the refresh command. Or, at least, to have a public repository to download those schemas.

Thank you!


As far as I know, this does not exist (yet). But probably a good workaround for now would be to run archy refresh with the --outputDir <outputDir> option on a scheduled basis on a server and then store the results in a version control system like git and open pull requests or push the changes directly to the repository if diffs are detected.

Thank you for the idea Steffen!

It would be great to have it in archy out-of-the-box, although I do not know how difficult would be to implement that...

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