Archy setup fail with error codes 99 & 116


I am trying to setup archy tool in my pc and I get the below error when I run archy setup command. Please note I did create the OAuth client in our dev org as Client Credentials grant type and supplied correctly during archy setup. I am also unsure why the environment would show as 'prod' when I am working with 'dev' org. Is there a way for me to change it to our dev org?

2022-01-29T06:00:08.933Z: - ERROR! error getting auth token:e[36m -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'us-west-2', ArchSessionId:'ry2KIUGAK']e[39m
2022-01-29T06:00:08.936Z: - ERROR! error encountered with startup processing. Check logging for additional error information. ending the Session. Setting the exit code to 99.e[36m -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'us-west-2', ArchSessionId:'ry2KIUGAK']e[39m

2022-01-29T06:00:08.980Z: Configuration Settings File
2022-01-29T06:00:08.980Z: C:\Users\RYR2851.archy_config
2022-01-29T06:00:08.982Z: unable to authenticate with the supplied client ID and secret. Are they valid and is the OAuth client set up with a client credentials grant?
2022-01-29T06:00:08.989Z: error(s) encountered.
2022-01-29T06:00:08.992Z: - Architect Scripting errors will be listed above.
2022-01-29T06:00:08.998Z: Log: C:\Users\RYR2851\archy\archyHome\debug\archy-debug-2022-01-29T05.54.11.882Z.txt
2022-01-29T06:00:09.525Z: did not fetch versions successfully ( attempt 1 out of 3 ), retrying.
2022-01-29T06:00:10.541Z: version fetch error: Error: unable to get local issuer certificate
2022-01-29T06:00:10.544Z: execution complete.
2022-01-29T06:00:10.549Z: exit code: 116

Appreciate your inputs.


Hello rramasamy2,

Sorry for the delayed response. The output from Archy is showing prod as that is the environment in which Genesys Cloud is running under so it should still be your dev org based on the OAuth Client ID/Secret.

Which version of Archy are you currently running? You can find this by running archy version.


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