Archy tool sends notification/provides confirmation on Successful deployment


We are deploying yaml files through Azure CI CD pipelines, where Archy was installed on Agent Machines. Is there any option where Archy tool provides a confirmation for a success full deployment ?


Hi Komali_Sidagam,
Were you looking for something to tell if you all flows created via Archy were in success for your entire deploy job?
One route that you could go for checking if all of your flows were created successfully is to use the resultsFile feature. This would allow you to check the exit code of each command in the JSON file that is written out at the end of each command run. Then, you could verify the exit code is a non-failing one and continue through your deployment.


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Using resultsFiles should get you what you need and is the most feature-rich option, and you can also use Archy's exit codes if you want a simpler option. You can pipe the exit code of whatever archy command you ran to any other program.

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