Archy version download

Hello Genesys team!,
I have created a docker with archy for the creation of deployment pipelines between environments, I want to control the version of archy that is downloaded in this docker, I have seen that when I change the word "latest" of the download url by the number of the version (for example the download works correctly and is just what I need.
the question is: is this an allowed method? Or could it be that in the future it will stop being offered without notice of deprecation?


Hi Javier,

Although the URL format is the only "officially" supported way to download Archy, we currently have no plans on changing the version-ful URL format you posted. That said, I can't absolutely guarantee it'll never change someday :slight_smile:

Alternatively, you can always get the specific Archy version you want by downloading the latest Archy from the URL format I posted above, and then running archy version 1.5.3 (or whatever your desired version number is.


Thanks Scott, I have implemented that command in my Dockerfile and it increases the size of the container a lot, thanks also for the answer.

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