AudioConnector API Clarification

Please help us understand the intent/usage of the Event messages.

In the example event message you can pass an array ofentity type and data associated with it
"version": "2",
"type": "event",
"seq": 12,
"serverseq": 11,
"id": "e160e428-53e2-487c-977d-96989bf5c99d",
"parameters": {
"entities": [
"type": "example",
"data": {
"foo": "bar",
"baz": false,
"qux": 12345

The only two Entity Types today seem to be BargeIn and BotTurn Response

If we envoke the BotTurnResponse can this data be surfaced in Genesys Cloud?

"version": "2",
"type": "event",
"seq": 12,
"serverseq": 11,
"id": "e160e428-53e2-487c-977d-96989bf5c99d",
"parameters": {
"entities": [
"type": "bot_turn_response",
"data": {
"disposition": "match",
"text": "Thank you for calling, Goodbye.",
"confidence": 0.5


If you look at the documentation for the Audio Connector block in Architect you'll see that the block allows for inputs and outputs from the Audio Connector server: Call Audio Connector action - Genesys Cloud Resource Center

The 'parameters' property allows for the exchange for the input parameters and output parameters from Architect and your Audio Connector server.

Hi Jim,

Those outputs are delivered in the disconnect event based on my reading and testing in the outputVariable JsonStringMap.

type DisconnectParameters = {
reason: DisconnectReason;
info?: string;
outputVariables?: JsonStringMap;

The event method I see and we've tested can happen during the bot conversation. How would that look within the architect flow? Would it take the success path even though the session is active?

Thoughts on the above clarification?

There is a mention, on the Developer Center, for the botTurnResponse event:
This event is optional, but if sent, will be used for Historical Execution reporting.

At this time, the information is not stored/surfaced.
Engineering informed me that they plan to include that information in the Architect Flow Execution History later, but it isn't GA/Available at this stage.


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