AudioHook Monitor Flow & all audio


I've setup the AudioHook Monitor integration into my environment and I have 2 main questions:

  • Does this capture both the User Audio and the Agent/Call Flow audio? How is this distinguished when the audio is sent to the server?
    I see in the documentation ( that there's an "Internal" channel and "External" channel, but I can't figure out how this works (i.e. how to tell the different channels apart). Is this some sort of surround sound, where channel 0 has the User audio, and channel 1 has the Agent/Flow audio?
  • How can I get this setup to monitor the audio when a user goes through a Call Flow? Right now it's only triggering when the user gets transferred to an Agent.
    In my call flow I have Transcription and Audio Monitoring enabled.
    And in my Queue I have Transcription and Audio Monitoring enabled.

But when i call into my Inbound Call Flow it doesn't start the AudioHook Monitor till after an Agent picks up.

Here to answer my own questions:

  1. Yes when you send the "opened" response with the parameters "channels": ["external", "internal"] it will play the IVR on one channel and the User on the 2nd channel. You'll need to have your interpreter on the Server side be able to distinguish/separate that audio for you.
    example: {"version": "2", "type": "opened", "seq": 1, "clientseq": 1, "id": "ID Here", "parameters": {"startPaused": false, "media": [{"type": "audio", "format": "PCMU", "channels": ["external", "internal"], "rate": 8000}]}}
  2. I had missed a setting in the Inbound Call flow. On the left hand side while editing the Flow go to "Recording and Speech Recognition" and disable the checkbox for "suppress recording for the entire flow"

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