Auth issues with Terraform Genesys cloud provider

We use terraform with atlantis[] for our ci cd pipeline. We ran into issues while running our PRs and started getting below error all of a sudden coming from genesys provider. The provider attempts retries on login auth url 21 time before closing the atlantis job. No changes to the credentials were made. It ran successfully for many PRs previously on github then suddenly started showing below issues. restarting our atlantis server also did not help.

Hi Tejaswini,

Please turn on the sdk_debug and set it to true. This will generate a file containing all of the SDK calls. If you look in that file you should be able to see the status code and the correlation id for the Auth calls. If you could post those here we can look on our side.

More than likely the auth API was returning an error and our provider will retry X number of times backing off each time. The status code and correlation IDs should help give us a better picture of what is going on.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

Thank you for the response. I was wondering will adding environment variable TF_VAR_sdk_debug=true inside our atlantis instance help printing the sdk logs?

@John_Carnell Is this the request id you are talking about by any chance: tf_req_id=cebe307b-e9e6-66b0-51d6-d7ffab412480 timestamp=2024-04-04T10:01:59.201Z

@John_Carnell We are seeing below error on enabling Trace:

Hi Tejaswini,

It's not a value set directly on the provider config. I don't think the value you have set here is correct here. I am looking for the correlationIds in the produced sdk_debug.log

provider "genesyscloud" {
sdk_debug_format = "Json"

This should cause a file called sdk_debug.log to appear in the home directory where the provider is run. You should be able to look in this file and find the calls that were failing and get the fields http Status code the ININ-correlation-id.


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