Authenticated Web Messaging not opening widget

We are using Web Messaging JavaScript SDK to embed messaging widget to the app.
Till the time we were not using Authenticated Web Messaing, i was able to open the widget.
But, when we are introducing the authentication to this messenger configuration, the widget doesn't open at all.

We are using the below code to open the messenger:
Genesys("subscribe", "Messenger.ready", function() { Genesys("command", ""); });

When I enabled the debug logs, it shows the below commands but the widget doesn't opens up:

14:10:18.761 genesys.min.js:10 Genesys called the command: Auth.getTokens%c
14:10:18.762 genesys.min.js:10 Auth is loading and/or has not yet called its ready() method. Your command call (Auth.getTokens) has been buffered and will be executed once the plugin has loaded and/or called its ready() method.
14:10:32.487 genesys.min.js:10 Genesys subscribed to Messenger.ready%c
14:10:32.488 genesys.min.js:10 Genesys subscribed to Database.ready%c
14:10:32.488 genesys.min.js:10 Database republished: Database.ready%c
14:10:32.489 genesys.min.js:10 Genesys called the command: Database.set%c
14:10:32.489 genesys.min.js:10 Database published: data%c
14:10:32.490 genesys.min.js:10 Database published: data.database%c
14:10:32.490 genesys.min.js:10 Database published: updated%c


For clarity: at the moment, if you enable authenticated messaging, then Messenger becomes visible only after End-User has signed-in to your business. That's for the maximum level of security.
We are planning to relax this constraint with this Idea, currently in development, planning Beta in Q2 > Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal

Hi Angelo,

Thanx for the update.
The user is already logged into the portal first before trying to open the widget.
Also, we have configured the messenger launcher to be Hide and trying to open it up from a custom button in App.


The issue is resolved.
The problem was with loading of Genesys SDK, we were loading it on page load event.
It should be done only after login event.

Thank you for your support.

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