Hi, I apologize for the inexperience with this request, but I need some guidance and figured I would post something here to see if I can get some guidance from the community. I’ve outlined what we are trying to accomplish below with the hopes of confirmation if this is the correct approach or guidance on how we should proceed with the setup.
A bit of background, last year we migrated into PureCloud and set up with the assistance of professional services our IVR routing path. This configuration was using data actions connecting to our CRM to accomplish the following: 1. Identify callers via ANI match. 2. If no ANI match, prompt for account number. That configuration is working fine in the architect; however, we are moving into a different CRM that requires a different form of Authentication which we are not as familiar with and need help with. Authentication via Bearer Token. Not sure if the steps I've taken so far are correct so all feedback will be appreciated.
Here is an example of what we are trying to accomplish with the new CRM:
GENESYS - POST : CRM URL - Login/Validate via token bearer using account number or phone number -->
<-- CRM Response : access token to GENESYS Architect
GENESYS - GET user profile information with authorization token bearer -->
<-- CRM Response : User profile information back to Architect
I have set up two different data action in integration:
POST: request token bearer : Returns token – It works but I am not sure about the “contract” input\output configuration. I need help\clarity on how it should be configured if I have the correct approach.
"data.agent_type": " data agent type here",
"data.cust_id": "data cust id here",
"code": "000",
"data.refresh_token": " refresh token here",
"data.scope": " data scope here",
"data.token_type": "bearer",
"data.expires_in": 2591999,
"data.agent_id": " data agent id here ",
"data.jti": " ",
"message": "Ok",
"data.access_token": "token here",
"data.rep_acct_nr": " account info here"
} -
GET: User Profile using bearer token
Header: Authorization: Bearer (followed by token) I only get a response when the token is included in the “header.”
"code": "000",
"message": "Ok",
"data": {
"accountNumber": (data),
"firstName": "(data)",
"lastName": "(data",