AWS Lex V2 on Inbound Voice: How to offer the caller for more options?


I hope your day is going well.

We are playing around with AWS Lex V2 bots and while we have successfully accomplished what we want with our chat bot, we simply couldn't figure out the how to handle the bot on inbound voice flow.

Essentially we want our bot to continue its intents. Our chat bot goes something like this:

Bot: "Hello, welcome. How can we help you?"
User: "Check balance"
Bot: "Which account?"
User: "Chequing"
Bot: "To confirm your identity, please provide your birthday"
User: "February 1, 1990"
Bot: "Your chequing account balance is $90"
User: "What about my savings?"
Bot: "Your savings account balance is $500"
User: "Transfer $50 from chequing to savings"
Bot: "You have transferred $50 from chequing to savings. Your savings account balance is $550".

So, the chatbot completed two different intents: check balance and transfer balance.

Our inbound voice only goes to:
Bot: "Hello, welcome. How can we help you?"
User: "Check balance"
Bot: "Which account?"
User: "Chequing"
Bot: "To confirm your identity, please provide your birthday"
User: "February 1, 1990"
Bot: "Your chequing account balance is $90"
-end call-

So far, I added a Loop block to keep the bot going but when it loops back to its initial intent and the user goes, "what about my savings account", the bot would answer, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand that," or something along those lines.

How can we create an inbound flow in Architect to enable the bot to continue working on different intents?

Thank you!

Use session variables. They allow you to pass information to the lex bot. So the 2nd time around, the bot can already know that the user is interested in checking their balance & what their birthday is

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