It appears as though the AWS Chat blueprint functions for a single chat, but if an agent is managing multiple chats that translate window contains ALL the messages from ALL the conversations and it is very easy for the end-user-agent to type an answer to the wrong person based on which interaction on the left iframe has focus, has anyone implemented a fix for this? does anyone have an opinion on 'where' for example, perhaps a filter on
updateScroll function? or is there a way to 'check' which interaction has 'focus' on the client so we can filter?
Hi Erik, can you please specify the blueprint you are referring to? The translate blueprints are using the interaction widget so the issue you mentioned shouldn't occur. Using interaction widgets will create separate instances of the iframed content and should only load messages associated with the conversation ID.
Can you please attach screenshot so we can assist you further. Thanks.
I don't think you are using the Chat Translator blueprint.
What you are showing in your screenshot is Web Messaging. It is NOT WebChat.
So you are most likely using the digital translator blueprint.
I have found an issue in the blueprint regarding management of multiple conversations. I'll take a look at it.
Messages from other active web messaging sessions are no longer displayed in the transcript panel.
Messages without text body are not displayed - i.e. are ignored (e.g. Presence/Disconnect events).
With Web Messaging, the webapp will attempt to retrieve the customer name from the customer's participant data attribute "name" (of the active conversation). If not found, it will use "customer" as customer name.