Bamboo and WFM Integration

I need some help. I used the GitHub docs for the WFM and bamboo (HRIS) integration. All of it is working fine except the piece where we have a time off request in WFM and it is in a pending state and an agent or supervisor will cancel it. That is causing bamboo to show the time taken as PTO. Any one run in to this? I have opened a ticket with support and they stated the blue prints are "as-is". We are currently having to manually go in to Bamboo and fix it. Seems lacking and I am hoping someone else has run in to this and can help me.

Hi April,

From a support perspective, Blueprints are "as-is" (e.g. you can not open a ticket on them). However, I reached out to the team who wrote the original blueprint to see if they could provide some guidance or potential areas to look at. I asked them to respond to the post if they had suggestions.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

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Thank you I really appreciate the help. I also don't mind to do a show and tell with someone if they are willing to help us figure this last piece out.

The situation can be remedied by editing the workflow. The example of workflow that comes with the blueprint -"HRIS-Create-Timeoff" - can be changed to prevent from inserting "denied" or "cancelled" time-off requests into bamboohr.

The first decision block in the workflow is "Is Balance Check Required". On the "no" branch add the new condition that checks, whether "Flow.timeOffStatus == "APPROVED" and only in such case proceed to insert into bamboohr as it does now

Otherwise, just assign Flow.timeOffRequestId output variable to any string, say, "000", set Flow.status to Complete and Flow.statusCode to 200. Exit flow after that.

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