Billing and Usage

I'm trying to programmatically extract the information you see on the Admin->Subscriptions page (# of users against commitment. API calls, storage etc.) which I have to put into a bi-weekly report for each of my customers.
Currently I'm manually transcribing it, but nobody has the time for that!
So, I found

gc billing reports billableusage get --startDate --endDate

but that gives me a breakdown of users with nothing on API / storage.
So, can I grab this (easily)?

Hi Paul,

Did you look at our partner billing page? We have an API for trustablebillableorgs. If you follow the directions you should be able to see the API and storage overage information. One of our product managers is researching if you can retrieve storage information (you need to know the part number for it) and API information outside of overage information so as I find more one of us will post here.

John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement

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