Assuming that we create an OAuth Client with Client Credentials grant, and call Billing API like GET /api/v2/billing/reports/billableusage, given it is from a Client Credentials client, is that going to report billing data without affecting the billable usage itself? I think so, but wanted to confirm. Thanks!
Calls to the Billing API from a customer's OAuth client are subject to the Fair Use Policy and will be billed in the event that a customer exceeds their API request allocation.
Thanks Becky. Yes, I have forgotten to mention that API fair usage policy portion would kick in, which we have understood. On the other hand, I just wanted to ensure that the standard user usage portion is not affected since Client Credentials do not represent any user, and do you have words on that? Thanks!
API calls from a client credentials oath grant type would not count against an orgs’s user license reporting, since those calls are not made in the context of a user.
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