Bulk Download recordings not appearing in S3 bucket after 24 hours

I am using "AWS S3 recording bulk actions integration" to upload recordings to an S3 bucket (cross-region, from genesys-cloud in region eu_west_2 to an S3 bucket in eu-west-1).

I have run the appropriate process, and it ran until status was "FULFILLED". I checked the number of processed recordings and it was not zero (it was in the 100's), and there are no skips or failures.

I read online that this could take up to 24 hours to appear in S3 but the weekend has passed (>48 hours) and I still do not see the file in the bucket. Note that at some point one of the bulk download calls (I made multiple for different periods) must have succeeded because there are some files in the bucket, in the correct format, just not all of them, and there haven't been any new files in a while.

Why haven't the files shown up, and are they still waiting to be exported, or has something failed?


Hi Chris,

I would open a ticket with Care. We can not diagnose individual customer issues (particularly around functionality) on the Developer forum.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

Hi John,

I think I figured it out based on this post: AWS S3 recording bulk actions integration - Platform API / Python SDK - Genesys Cloud Developer Forum, and I set the actionDate to a date far in the future.

As such I'd like to ask the following: If the recording has already been marked to be exported at a given actionDate, is it possible to update that to change the actionDate (in this case, to a sooner date)?
Can I just redo the bulk-export request with a sooner date to fix this?


EDIT: seeing some files coming in now, so I assume so :slight_smile:

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