Bulk upload from Engage to Cloud

Hello Team ,

We want to bulk upload Contacts from UCS (Genesys Universal COntact Server) to Genesys cloud, I know there is no direct API or method to do that, we were able to export the contacts from UCS to our local and were trying to import using the Bulk_import.csv file, but it seems "ContactID" is the mandatory column, and in the Genesys ticket which I opened, the tech told me that 'ContactID' is used in outbound dialer campaign contact lists, So if I set some random unqiue ContactIDs while importing the contacts (or perhaps, I can use the contactID generated by UCS) what is the impact I am going to have?

what's the purpose of the "ContactID" in Genesys cloud.

Hi @Shakti_Joshi

The best will be to generate your own unique ContactId, usually I use GUID.
Genesys will use this Id in conversation details, and you will be able to do different reports in the future or search functionality.

Upload API is available as well.

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