Bulk User Deletion

Hello team,

I am working on developing some applications using Genesys Public APIs.
One of them is bulk deletion of users. I will be using

DELETE: /api/v2/users/{userId}.

I will be recursively calling this API to delete the user IDs in bulk.
What i need to know is the rate limiting on this API ( or Users API ) ? How many of such API Callouts can be done in a day/hour/minute or seconds ?

I was going through this URL in dev center:

But did not find any mention of limits on /api/v2/users/*

let me know if i am missing anything.



180 per minute (per token/clientId) in this case.

You can find info on limits for a specific endpoint (apart from the org limit you referenced in your post) in the API Explorer.
DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId} - Expand "Operation Information" section -> "Resources Limits"


Thank You Jerome !!! That helped, really....

client.credentials.token.rate.per.minute The maximum number of requests per client credentials grant token per minute 300 api/v2/* yes
org.app.user.rate.per.minute The maximum number of requests per organization per OAuth client per user per minute 3000 api/v2/* yes

Can you please explain me, what these limits mean ? & when will these come into picture ?

Sannket Wetkar
+91 9833343349

These are different limits which apply. They are not specific to DELETE endpoint.
Ex: The maximum number of requests per client credentials grant token per minute - 300 per minute.
It applies to all API requests starting with api/v2/*
This one is not specific to the DELETE user endpoint. It is just a max number of API requests per token per minute (regardless of the endpoint you call).
If the application has already made 220 API requests in the minute (not the DELETE endpoint), even if the limit for the users API is 180 and you have not consumed any, you can just have 80 API requests in the remaining of the current minute.

That first one relates to an OAuth Client Credentials Grant based token (not related to a user).
The second is a limit per OAuth Client (Implicit Grant, Authorization Code Grant) leveraged by a specific user.


Perfect !!!
One last question, will the API endpoint respond with 429 once additional call outs are made ?

So that i can perform async operation to deal with 429 and retry after.


Yes - it does respond with 429 when you reach any api limit.
And you are correct - you can base your logic on 429 for retry. The 429 will specify how much time (seconds) you can have to wait.
See this page on devcenter


Hello Jerome/Genesys team,

Thank You for help, so far !!
If i refresh the token in 150 ( out of total 180) callouts { within 1 minutes, lets say 30 seconds }, will i be eligible to use next 180 API callout in next 30 seconds ?


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