Call Lex V2 Bot always ends up in Intent Fallback

Hello, I am currently running in some issue while integrating Lex V2 with Genesys.
In the bot itself, I have an intent plus the fallback intent. There is a “BookingNumber” slot in the intent (GetBookingNumber).
In addition, a confirmation has been configured in the intent, i.e. when the user has made an entry, it is read out to him again and he should confirm it. If he confirms it, “end conversation” is called in the bot. (In the case of an integration with Amazon Connect, for example, this leads to the interaction being ended and the next step being executed in the flow).
If I now call up the bot from Genesys, I am correctly asked for my booking number and also asked to confirm it. Afterwards, however, nothing happens (at least you don't hear anything anymore) after some time, the fallback intent is now triggered because no “input” was recognized. This can be seen from the bot's conversation logs.

My question is, what information must be given from Lex or in Lex so that the “interaction” is completed and you can get out of the corresponding intent in Genesys?

Thanks in advance

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