Cannot import architect flow via archy or terraform

Hello Genesys Team!
I'm facing an issue trying to import an architect flow yaml file via archy tool.

Note that I exported the file from the Architect UI.

From the archy logs I can see that it throws an error:

2022-08-17T00:12:34.397Z: could not find the 'flow info' by name using the value 'my_flow_name'.

Checking the logs before this error I can see that it tries to find the flow by using the following API:


The problem I can see is that it uses filter type= inqueuecall however the flow it is looking for is inqueueemail type.

So why is it using such filter? how can I fix it?

Hi Ihor,

Thanks for reaching out with this issue. Is the flow you exported an In-Queue Email flow and are you trying to override the default in-queue handling for a Transfer to ACD action?

If so, it looks like there is a bug where we are using the incorrect flow type for the flow lookup when configuring the in-queue handling override. I'll get this resolved and it will be included in the next Archy release.


Hi Jon,

This is correct. This is exported an in-queue email flow and we are trying to overrode the default in-queue handling for a Transfer to ACD action.
Could you please clarify what's the ETA for the next Archy release? Will it be fixed for terraform as well? We are using terraform for importing flows through all environments(dev/stage/prod). I am using archy just for troubleshooting purpose.
Also is there a workaround for this issue? can I somehow explicitly specify the flow type?
Thank you,

Hi Ihor,

Unfortunately there is no workaround for this issue. I'm looking to try to get a new version of Archy released today that will include this fix. Archy CX as Code (terraform) will be followed shortly after. If I can't get it out today, it should be out early next week at the latest.



Just to keep you up to date on releases, the latest version of the Archy CLI has been released with this fix, but it is looking like the terraform side won't be releasing early next week.


Hello Ihor,
The Archy component for terraform has been released. You should now be able to use it again for creating your flows in your different environments. Let me know if you run into any issues.


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