Cannot route using AgentAssignmentAlerting when assigneeId is set

I'm trying to route an Idle workitem using the patch workitem endpoint with the following payload:

PATCH /api/v2/taskmanagement/workitems/:workitem_id

"assigneeId": "9b149756-6b8c-4221-ab25-ff38bcec4b08",
"assignmentOperation": "AgentAssignmentAlerting"

However I noticed that if the assigneeId is already set in the workitem, this call won't work. The assigneeId is needed to set the assignmentOperation to AgentAssignmentAlerting, but if the assigneeId is already set in the workitem, then a 400 error is returned:

"message": "Cannot perform assignment without an assignee",
"code": "invalid.input.missing.assignee",
"status": 400,
"messageParams": {},
"contextId": "3179217c-481d-4696-b8e5-0c23a70fb482",
"details": [],
"errors": []

This really looks like a bug, the endpoint probably sees that the value is not changing, so it ignores the assigneeId, but then it's needed for the AgentAssignmentAlerting. When there is no assigneeId set, then this works.

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