Cannot see skillgroups in the queue's config

Hello There!

I've setup a skillgroup and assigned it into queue using terraform(skill_groups attribute in the queue config)

When I'm checking the queue through UI i cannot see any groups assigned. However if i check the queue's config using API- i can see that it has skillgroup assigned.

I can see that it has skillgroup using API:

"memberGroups": [
"id": "xxxxx",
"name": "test",
"division": {
"id": "7xxxxx",
"name": "home",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/authorization/divisions/7xxxxx"
"type": "SKILLGROUP",
"memberCount": 0,
"selfUri": "/api/v2/routing/skillgroups/xxxxx"

But i cannot see it via UI when open a queue--> members tab-->groups

Hi Ihor,

That sound unusual. Could you do me a favor and set the sdk_debug=true in the genesys provider? That will generate a sdk_debug.log file that contains all of the calls. Also, if you can provide the queue definition and the skill group definition I can take a look at them and run them against our lab instance. If you can send that information to George/Jeremy I would appreciate it.

I have a weekly internal review meeting with our PS folks today and I can chat with them on it.

John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement

Hi Ihor,

I just wanted to ask a few other questions:

  1. Are you assigning the skillgroup directly to the queue?
  2. Are you able to see the skillgroup in the UI under the members->groups tab?
  3. If you are able to see the skillgroup is it just that you can not see users belonging to the group even though you would expect to see them>

John Carnell

Hi John

Yes, I am assigning a skillgroup directly to the queue using attribute skill_groups = ["skillgroup_id"] in the queue.
I am not able to see the skillgroup in the UI under the members->groups tab?
Interesting thing is that if i go to queue's Routing tab and change Routing Methond to Conditional Group Routing- then i can select the skillgroup which i assigned to the queue.

BTW, I sent log and queue terraform config example over to George.


Once i change the queue's routing method to Conditional Group Routing, select the skillgroup and save the changes- then i am able to see the skillgroup under Members-->Groups tab.

Hi Ihor,

Thanks and I will work with George on this one. The challenge is that we basically calling the public API underneath the covers with this. So I might need to pull in the engineering group who either owns the service or the UI team to see if it's expected behavior or if it's a bug.

We are working on it so hopefully, I can get some answers today or early next week.

John Carnell

Hi Ihor,

Thanks for sending the logs and information. George got them to me late last night and I worked with the routing team this morning on the issue. The confirmed to me that it appears to be a bug in the UI Admin tool for routing. Here is the quote:

so yeah it seems like the UI is acting weird here. I created a queue with a skillgroup that has members, with the group associated at the queue level, and created bullseye on the queue. no members show up in the UI. but if I get the queue via the API I see the memberGroup and the memberCount is nonzero.

after removing bullseye on the queue via the UI and saving, the UI shows the memberGroup.

if I add bullseye back via the UI, then remove it again, the member group is gone.

Could you please a ticket with Care and then DM me the Care case #. I am in touch with the Care/ServOps team so that they can route it appropriately once it comes in.

Also, on a side note version, 1.10 of the provider was released yesterday with support for bullseye ring and member group support.

John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement

hi John!

here is a ticket 0003218184 nI opened for this issue.

Hi Ihor,

Thanks. Just chatting with our support team about it now.
