Caption not being rendered

Hi, I have encountered an issue when sending attachments and the "text" prperty that should be used as image caption.

According to the documentation, the property "text" inside attachments is used as caption for the image

"(string) Text associated with attachment such as an image caption."

And I am sending it, this is my receipt

[2024 - 10 - 02 T14: 24: 03.074 Z] DEBUG(service - handover): {
    "message": "[handleHandoverEvent] Received webhook from handover provider",
    "meta": {
        "request": {
            "id": "ceb60095acfbe1a032c812130ab0f3f1",
            "channel": {
                "id": "05a05554-c8c5-40e7-86d7-4693591f845a",
                "platform": "Open",
                "type": "Private",
                "messageId": "d0e671dc-660f-4e5c-850c-f710a0560c95",
                "to": {
                    "nickname": "live-agent-open-messaging-integration-secret-abc-123",
                    "id": "05a05554-c8c5-40e7-86d7-4693591f845a"
                "from": {
                    "nickname": "93374eec-ac59-4e0c-b0bb-d6158194c73d ",
                    "id": "93374eec-ac59-4e0c-b0bb-d6158194c73d",
                    "idType": "Opaque",
                    "firstName": "93374eec-ac59-4e0c-b0bb-d6158194c73d",
                    "lastName": ""
                "metadata": {
                    "customAttributes": {
                        "queueId": "757fb396-3eae-4b4a-af50-ac6ef935cd27",
                        "userId": "93374eec-ac59-4e0c-b0bb-d6158194c73d"
                "time": "2024-10-02T14:24:02.759Z"
            "type": "Receipt",
            "status": "Published",
            "direction": "Inbound"
    "traceId": "endpoint-handleProviderEvent-d769f54b-bc09-41df-87ad-890396641516"

and this is my response

  message: "[GenesysCloudOMClient] User message sent to Genesys Cloud"
    meta: {
      "userId": "93374eec-ac59-4e0c-b0bb-d6158194c73d",
      "messageResult": {
        "id": "ceb60095acfbe1a032c812130ab0f3f1",
        "channel": {
          "id": "05a05554-c8c5-40e7-86d7-4693591f845a",
          "platform": "Open",
          "type": "Private",
          "messageId": "d0e671dc-660f-4e5c-850c-f710a0560c95",
          "to": {
            "id": "05a05554-c8c5-40e7-86d7-4693591f845a"
          "from": {
            "nickname": "93374eec-ac59-4e0c-b0bb-d6158194c73d ",
            "id": "93374eec-ac59-4e0c-b0bb-d6158194c73d",
            "idType": "Opaque",
            "firstName": "93374eec-ac59-4e0c-b0bb-d6158194c73d",
            "lastName": ""
          "time": "2024-10-02T14:24:00.836Z",
          "metadata": {
            "customAttributes": {
              "language": "",
              "skills": "",
              "priority": "",
              "queueId": "757fb396-3eae-4b4a-af50-ac6ef935cd27",
              "userId": "93374eec-ac59-4e0c-b0bb-d6158194c73d"
        "type": "Text",
        "text": "Dibujo.png",
        "content": [
            "contentType": "Attachment",
            "attachment": {
              "mediaType": "Image",
              "url": "",
              "mime": "image/png",
              "text": "This is a caption",
              "filename": "Dibujo.png"

But as you can see in the image, the caption is still "filename"

Could we please get a reply here? We don't have a workaround for this issue. Thank you

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