Carousels and quick replies not working together

Hi team,
Our system are genesys and google dialogflow es. I create a intent with enable webhook to handle custom payload. My google fulfilment webhook will return the response below:

  "response": {
    "fulfillmentMessages": [
        "payload": {
          "genesys_carousel": [
              "actions": [
                  "text": "",
                  "type": "Postback"
              "defaultAction": {
                "payload": "link",
                "text": "",
                "type": "Postback"
              "description": "Button link",
              "title": "ButtonLink"
          "genesys_quick_replies": [
              "text": "Yes"
              "text": "No"
          "genesys_prompt": "Is there anything else"

The problem are the genesys show not correct order and the quick replies also not working
Actual result:

  1. Is there anything else?
  2. carousels card show
  3. quick replies not show

Expect result:

  1. carousels card show
  2. Is there anything else?
  3. quick replies "Yes" "No"

Anything implementation I missing here? Does I return in payload of fulfillmentMessages is correct place? I see in fulfillmentMessages also have card and quickReplies can I use this?

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