CDR downloads and retention

Hi team,

As part of regulations below is the requirements.
Can you please advice if we have a inbuilt method to meet the same ?
If I have to meet this requirements using custom development using API - can you share api for bulk download meeting the requirements ?

India’s DoT requires Call Detail Records (CDR’s) that include details on the agent who handled the call for auditing and compliance. A copy of the CDR’s must be maintained in India with an IST timestamp and accessible upon request of the India DoT.
CDR’s must be maintained for at least 1 year and must include the following data elements:
Date (IST),Time (IST),Calling Number/User(Email)ID/Extension Number/DID(Complete CLI),Called Number/User(Email)ID /Extension Number/DID(Complete CLI),Call Duration(hh:mm:ss),Call Trunk Type(PSTN/VoIP),Direction of Call - Incoming/Outgoing
UDR’s are also a requirement and include additional data fields such as MAC-ID and must be maintained by the customer on-site

If you have a legal requirement to ensure the records are kept in India, with India time stamps, and for a specific period you're best off downloading them locally via GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs/{jobId} so you have full certainty. Everything in Genesys itself is stored in UTC and ap-south-1 lists Mumbai as it's general location that may not be something you can confirm/prove in an audit. You can read about the retention policies here

I doubt anything in Genesys will have the MAC IDs of your systems, only your own internal network logs should be that detailed because those aren't elements conveyed in tcp/ip, but if you're using BYOC there's these
additional logs and there's an API to download sip traces available in the telephony API

If you're still struggling to meet your legal obligations after exploring those resources I'd recommend creating a customer care case to see if they can work with you one one one on to ensure they can provide what you need to keep you as a customer.

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