Change chat text size

how do i change chat text size in webchat v1.

Hi @Munkhnaran.N_Process
Configuration of fonts and colors using themes was introduced with version 2 of the widget. For more: Widget feature comparison - Genesys Cloud Resource Center

Can you little example show me to v1 using widget 2.There is no example and less documentation.

Hi @Munkhnaran.N_Process
Here you can find a step-by-step guide for configuring and deploying and v2 widget

Hi @jacobshaw you seem to be a bit of misunderstanding.
im using webchat v1 cuz its support co-browse.i have some trouble in here
1.i cant change text's font.i need to webchat in right bottom corner.And can't change others too.
2.When i close webchat there's only end chat button in header. i clicked that but its just only leave the room cant close webchat. So i need example or doc


As mentioned, configuration of text styles was introduced with Web Chat V2

If you need to modify the text size in V1, you can use some custom css or javascript document manipulation to do that. Here's an example of increasing the font size of the End Chat button.

In this case targeting the btn---end-chat button gives me the end chat button. See this page for how to target elements in an iframe

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