Clarification on unexpected API Response


My team is currently undergoing the Direct Routing Beta, which requires a lot of interaction with the Users/Search API, and recently we noticed something we hadn't seen before while doing some testing and are unable to find any documentation on this behavior so hoping we can get some confirmation on a couple assumptions we're currently making.

Unexpected Behavior: Users Search Returned an address with ( ) around it.
Assumption 1: This was returned this way because it was a duplicate value.
Assumption 2: The object that first had the address successfully added to it will return without ( ), while the second user who added the duplicate value to their profile would have the ( )'s.

If both of these are true this will help us with some ongoing issues we're having with duplicates and give us a programmatic way to monitor for these issues and catch them faster while we come up with a long term fixes to user behavior.

Here's an example of what the response looked like:

"addresses": [
      "display": "(+1 123-456-7890)",
      "mediaType": "PHONE",
      "type": "WORK",
      "countryCode": "US"

It also doesn't have an "address" which we're applying the same assumptions above to until we're able to confirm/test this out in more depth.

Thanks for any clarifications/confirmations!

Any help appreciated, or if there's a different way I should approach this question please point me in the right direction.