I am trying to run a disposition process on a live contactList where we download the contactList and delete all the contacts in that list before the download time.
I am using the search by filter api first and if the response gives any count, then use the Bulk remove api to clear the contacts i.e, /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/contacts/bulk/remove
Filtering is based on the SmsLastAttempt-PhoneColumn (this is a Genesys system generated column after the campaign is run and has datetime stamp values)
POST /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/contacts/search
Request Body:
//"contactListFilterId": "",
"criteria": {
"clauses": [
"filterType": "OR",
"predicates": [
"column": "latestSmsEvaluations.PhoneColumn.timestamp",
"columnType": "alphabetic",
"operator": "LESS_THAN_EQUALS",
"value": "2024-09-04T15:54:00.000Z",
//"value": "P-01DT-08H-30M" ,
"range": "",
"inverted": true
"filterType": "OR"
However the request errors out with below message
"message": "An error has occurred, please contact support.",
"code": "internal.server.error",
"status": 500,
"contextId": "97bb6f33-f0e0-4ecc-839b-0d872a6f017a",
"details": [],
"errors": []
I tried other operators like LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN, GREATER_THAN_EQUALS with the same error.
Basically I need to remove the contacts who are already contacted before 9pm everyday.