CLI access failed

My CLI stop working and I refreshed Clien ID and Secret I got following error:
POST giving up after 5 attempt(s): Post "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is
valid for,, not
gc profiles list:
"profileName": "default",
"environment": "",
"logFilePath": "",
"loggingEnabled": "false",
"grantType": "1",
"clientName": "CLIENT",
"clientSecret": "SECRET",
"secureLoginEnabled": "false",
"redirectURI": "",
"accessToken": "",
"autoPaginationEnabled": "false",
"proxyConfiguration": "{protocol: , host: , port: , userName: , password: , pathParams: {}}",
"gatewayConfiguration": "{protocol: , host: , port: , userName: , password: , pathParams: {}}"
For gc profiles get (DEFAULT) response is diferent that configuartion comes:
gc@VE-DEV1:~$ gc profiles get
"profileName": "DEFAULT",
"environment": "",
"logFilePath": "",
"loggingEnabled": "false",
"grantType": "1",
"clientName": "CLIENT",
", ": ientSecret",
"SECRET": "secureLoginEnabled",
"false": "redirectURI",
"": "accessToken",
"": "autoPaginationEnabled",
"false": "proxyConfiguration",
"{protocol: , host: , port: , userName: , password: , pathParams: {}}": "gatewayConfiguration",
"{protocol: , host: , port: , userName: , password: , pathParams: {}}":

I have no idea what is going wrong and why CLI try to connect to

Hi @Robert

If you look inside the file $HOME/.gc/config.toml , do you see two profiles called "default" ? Perhaps one uppercase and one lowercase?

If so, try removing the one that has the wrong configurations and trying again.


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Just located a problem , my environment variables ware configured for another application :slight_smile: now is fine

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