Cobrowse notification topic supported by Triggers

Hello Everyone,

I'm trying to do certain customization when a cobrowse session is initiated by an agent. Wanted to know if there is any topic for the event of CoBrowse initiated by agent which is supported by triggers. So all I am trying to do is to create a trigger with the event of agent initiating a cobrowse session from chat. I have looked at the available topics documentation ( and the topics available for the cobrowse event doesn't seem to be supported by triggers. Is there a way we can create a trigger to listen to cobrowse initiation event?

Thanks and Regards,


Currently, there is no support for Cobrowse process automation triggers. If WebSocket doesn't fit your use case, I recommend you share your use case at:


Thanks @Ebenezer_Osei for your response. Yes, Websocket fits my use case but didn't want much changes to be done on the UI (website). Hence, was checking other options.
Anyways, thanks again.


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