Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) for 3P IVRs

Hi, Can anyone point me where the CTI docs are located for Genesys cloud? We will be using a 3P IVR and transferring calls to Genesys. We also want to pass the IVR data. We don't want to use SIP headers as there is a limitation on the number of characters.


Here you go: About User to User Information (UUI) - Genesys Cloud Resource Center. If you mean something else, please clarify what type/method of integration you're looking for beyond just "CTI".

Thanks! Doesn't the UUI field also has some limitation on the number of characters?

It does, but that's how you send data with a transfer.

If you're looking for something other than passing data as part of the transfer, need to know specifically what kind/method of integration you're looking to build.

We just want to pass the IVR interaction data.

  • Genesys Cloud does not limit the number of characters in a UUI data string. However, some systems can discard data that exceeds 128 characters. The best practice is to limit UUI data to 128 characters or fewer.

Without any details, I can only give some generic guidance: you would store data in your own system and transfer the call to Genesys. At some point later on, you would query your system to get the data for the call. Maybe that's a data action, a client app, a script, or some sort of custom application; how and when you retrieve it depends on what you're trying to accomplish. If you want to "pass data" without using any intermediary, you're limited to using UUI data.

Thanks, Tim! I will get more details.