My customer needs a way to add a 3rd party to an existing ACD call without placing the caller on hold. According to this page, this can be done in the native client, but my customer needs to be able to do it from within the Salesforce one.
My thinking is to use an API call, but I can't find which call will do this.
For context, this requirement is related to “Crisis Calls” (i.e., an external caller that has expressed intent in hurting themselves or someone else while connected with an Agent) and a directive from New York State that states that a caller considered as “in crisis” cannot be placed on hold by the servicing representative at any point during the interaction. When this occurs, the Agent follows a defined process that instructs them to escalate the “crisis call” to their supervisor and to also reach out to the members of a dedicated team in parallel, who are in a better position to assess the situation and to assist the member/caller in crisis.
Can anyone help?