Could not find the 'queue' by name using the value ******. Error details: no matches

Hi Team,
We are unable to process YAML files containing queuenames with certain characters in the queue name. I believe a comma in the queuename is the cause of the error.

I was able to reproduce by creating a blank file with transfer to ACD action pointing to the following queuenames.

For example this fails
Student Central - Course Advice - Science, Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE)
TestQueueName.yaml (3.3 KB)

Whereas this works
Student Central - Course Advice - Science Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE)
TestQueueNameWithoutComma.yaml (3.3 KB)


170 Archy - Architect Yaml Flow Processor ver. 2.14.0 - Failure


172DateTime: Thu Dec 08 2022 00:28:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


174Command: 'createImportFile'

175could not find the 'queue' by name using the value 'Student Central - Course Advice - Science, Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE)'.

176Error details: no matches

177 Path: '/inboundCall/tasks/task[New Task 1_12]/actions/transferToAcd[archy_transferToAcd_2]'

178 Property name: 'targetQueue'

179Input YAML File: /builds/esolutions/service-desk/genesys-configuration/flows/inboundcall/TestQueueName.yaml

180Flow Name: 'TestQueueName'

181Error(s) and warning(s) encountered.

182 - Architect Scripting errors and warnings will be listed above.

183Log: /builds/esolutions/service-desk/genesys-configuration/.archy/debug/archy-debug-2022-12-08T00.28.10.789Z.txt


185| Archy minor version update available: 2.14.0 → 2.15.3 │


187| Run archy version latestPublished to upgrade │


189execution complete.

190exit code: 100

170 Archy - Architect Yaml Flow Processor ver. 2.14.0 - Failure


172DateTime: Thu Dec 08 2022 00:28:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


174Command: 'createImportFile'

175could not find the 'queue' by name using the value 'Student Central - Course Advice - Science, Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE)'.

176Error details: no matches

177 Path: '/inboundCall/tasks/task[New Task 1_12]/actions/transferToAcd[archy_transferToAcd_2]'

178 Property name: 'targetQueue'

179Input YAML File: /builds/esolutions/service-desk/genesys-configuration/flows/inboundcall/TestQueueName.yaml

180Flow Name: 'TestQueueName'

181Error(s) and warning(s) encountered.

182 - Architect Scripting errors and warnings will be listed above.

Hi David_Allchin,

To report a possible defect, please open a CARE support ticket via the CARE portal

Hi David_Allchin,

Thanks for reporting this issue. I'll take a look into it today.


Hi again David_Allchin,

Thanks again for reporting this issue. I was able to reproduce the issue and found the problem lies with the Queues API, which is one of the Public APIs that Archy consumes for its processing. You can also find that the same result happens on the Queues management page within the Admin UI by searching for the name of your queue in the list, which in your case would be Student Central - Course Advice - Science,.

I reached out to the team who maintains the API and they did some initial investigation and found that the comma was being stripped out in the filtering process when doing name search. They have created a ticket for this issue and are targeting their next release for December 19th. If the fix doesn't make it out within that release it should with the next one around 3 weeks later.

Thanks again for reporting this issue!

- Jon

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