Create phone when user provisioned?

Hi guys

Does anybody have a method for having a WebRTC phone created "automatically" triggered by a user being provisioned through SCIM?

I am wading into these waters too... the example provided in section 4 of the user provisioning guide here was handy and I have a working function that takes a user ID and builds then assigns them the WebRTC phone, but I can't find a way to trigger it. It doesn't look like there's a user created event in the notification topics or anything. Did you end up finding a solution?

Hi Andy, no still waiting to be honest. What is your function created in or hosted on?

At the moment it's just a Node.JS app running locally on my dev machine. I need to feed it a user ID and it does the rest from there. Just looking for a trigger to pass it the required user ID automatically.

I might put in an idea for user creation as a notification topic. Can't see why it can't be done. The alternative would be to pull a list of users and identify the newly created ones to run the phone create script for... That could then be triggered on an AWS EventBridge schedule or something so it could run in Lamba.
All votes welcome :slight_smile:

Coming in late, but hopefully this helps. We saw this as a major hurdle as well, and automated it with Azure Runbooks/Automation. I have a PowerShell script that runs ever 12 hours looking for users on the platfgorm that have no WebRTC phone. If it finds them, it adds that, and has some biz logic to line them up with appropriate Sites. This assumes you are using Azure AD, as it gets the user info to determine Site mapping based on email address matching between Genesys and AAD. If you're using AAD SCIM, you're halfway there already.

Feel free to take and reuse for your own. You can find it here:

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