Creating Campaigns Via SDK - Missing skillColumns


When creating campaigns via Java SDK the option to set "skillColumns" seems to be unavailable. Is this a known limitation (or) am I just looking in the wrong place :sweat_smile:


Why do you believe there should be a property of that name? I don't see that in the API documentation: POST /api/v2/outbound/campaigns



The skillColums attribute appears to be tagged as internal/hidden in the code.

Could you please open a ticket with Genesys Cloud Customer Care and report the issue?
We need to go through this process so Support can ask engineering to make the correct modifications (if the skillColumns attribute is now meant to be public).
The Platform API SDKs are automatically generated out of this schema/definition.


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Hi Tim,

when creating campaigns through the Genesys Cloud web application. I could see there is an option which allows to specify "Skill Columns". Raised a question as this was missing in the Java SDK provided to create campaigns :slight_smile:


Hi Jerome,

Thanks for checking. Will open a ticket with the customer care :slight_smile:


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