Creating tasks for receiving fax


I’m trying to create flow for receiving faxes.
As we only have one Voicemail flow to work with, I have done some modification to the standard Default Voicemail Flow. Based on dnis lookup in data table I check if it is the fax number that has been called – if then jump to my Fax tasks.
My fax tasks original only contain the Get Fax or Voicemail action and some logging, problems were that it won’t receive faxes so there might miss an action or two to collect the fax.
I have been looking at the original Collect Voicemail task and the flow - beside from Audio play task I can only see that Submit Voicemail Snippet action is in used when creating a normal voicemail.
So, I have added the Submit Voicemail Snippet to my Fax tasks, but that don’t make any difference – I can still fax in Fax tasks.
Does anyone know which other actions is required for receiving fax?