Custom Actions Input Arguments

Is it possible to make a custom action with input arguments, for example, I want to create a custom action called testCustom and add it to a button click action and pass a variable as an input to that click action.

Is there a way to achieve so?

I don't think there is a way. From what I know, the only time you passing variables is when you execute data action. What is your final goal?

I'm trying to standardize the custom actions and to be much more dynamic and let it depends on only variables as inputs.

Yes, it is of course possible to define input parameters in a custom data action.
That is done defining them in the Input contract of the data action.

You can then call a data action from your script, passing variables as input, using the Execute Data Action action in your script.


I think I didn't explain that well to you as I didn't mean the custom data action. I was thinking about the custom script actions (button actions) for example the use case here is that if I have multiple buttons for transferring the interaction to the ACD queue (different internal department) and the button isn't using the blind transfer action directly rather it does some checks (working hours and alerts) before proceeding with the transfer so this considered as a custom script action because it consists of a sequence of steps being executed and the drawback is for each button you will re-create the same action but change the destination queue name. What I'm looking for here is to utilize the action created (only one-time creation) and let take the transfer destination (ACD queue name) as input, in that case, I will use the same action in all the buttons I have for all my internal departments and what I will do is to only change the ACD queue name in the input for that action in each button.

Then, no, it is not possible to define input arguments on a custom action.


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