Custom Launcher Icon for Genesys Cloud Web Messaging


I am trying to design custom icon launcher for web messaging. But the chat window does not open up on the click. I am using snipped provided in the genesys cloyd website.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
    #custom-launcher {
      border: none; /* Remove the border */
      /*padding: 10px 20px; Add some padding */
      cursor: pointer; /* Change the cursor on hover */
      background-image: url(; /* Set the background image */
      background-size: cover; /* Ensure the image covers the button */
      color: transparent; /* Make the text transparent so only the image is visible */
      background-repeat: no-repeat; /* Prevent the image from repeating */
      background-position: center; /* Center the background image */
      width: 100px; /* Set a fixed width */
      height: 100px; /* Set a fixed height */
	  position: fixed; /* Use fixed positioning */
      right: 20px; /* Position 20px from the right edge */
      bottom: 20px; /* Position 20px from the bottom edge */

<button type="button" id="custom-launcher" onclick="toggleMessenger()"></button>

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
(function (g, e, n, es, ys) {
	g['_genesysJs'] = e;
	g[e] = g[e] || function () {
	(g[e].q = g[e].q || []).push(arguments)
	g[e].t = 1 * new Date();
	g[e].c = es;
	ys = document.createElement('script'); ys.async = 1; ys.src = n; ys.charset = 'utf-8'; document.head.appendChild(ys);
})(window, 'Genesys', '', {
	environment: 'prod',
	deploymentId: 'xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx'

const customLauncher = document.getElementById('custom-launcher'); // Custom launcher button
let bMessengerOpened = false; // Initial status of Messenger: closed

  // #1 Subscribe to the Messenger.ready event - Show custom launcher button when Messenger is ready
  (e) => ( = 'block')

// #2 Subscribe to the Messenger.opened event - Update the status of Messenger as opened
Genesys('subscribe', 'Messenger.opened', (e) => {
  bMessengerOpened = true;
  Update your custom launcher button here indicating a Messenger opened state i.e. show a KeyboardArrowDownIcon
  or hide your custom launcher button if you prefer not to indicate that Messenger is opened
*/ = 'none';

// #3 Subscribe to the Messenger.closed event - Update the status of Messenger as closed
Genesys('subscribe', 'Messenger.closed', (e) => {
  bMessengerOpened = false;
  Update your custom launcher button here indicating a Messenger closed state i.e. show a MessageIcon
  or show your custom launcher button if you prefer to indicate that Messenger is closed
*/ = 'block';

const openMessenger = () => {
  console.log('Opening messenger...');
  Genesys('command', '');
const closeMessenger = () => {
  console.log('Closing messenger...');
  Genesys('command', 'Messenger.close');

const toggleMessenger = () => {
  bMessengerOpened ? closeMessenger() : openMessenger();

I am getting below error

The error means that custom UI must be enabled via the messenger configuration associated with this deployment. You would find the setting under the Appearance tab, then turn the UI setting off to build your own messaging client through the Messenger’s Headless SDK functions

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