Customer Start and End - calculated duration and event duration not the same

I have an EventBridge set up for the cutomer.start and customer.end events. I save the eventTime for both events and calculate the duration. I also look at the interactionDurationMs value in the customer.end event. There is a difference.

Start time: 2024-05-22 11:22:53.158
End time: 2024-05-22 11:23:09.951

Difference: 16793 milliseconds

But in the end.event, the interactionDurationMs is: 16610

How is interactionDurationMs calculated?

We cannot investigate customer-specific data via the forum. If you believe the API (or EventBridge) is producing incorrect data, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate.

The question was more on how is interactionDurationMs calculated. Is it incorrect for me to assume the eventTime of start and end events are the beginning and end of the interaction?

That property is only documented as "The overall time a customer spent talking/interacting in milliseconds", so (end - start) seems like a reasonable assumption.

BTW I assume you meant interactingDurationMs, not interactionDurationMs as you typed; I can't find the latter anywhere.

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You are correct. My mistake.

I opened a ticket as you suggested.