CX as Code: Error doing the export of all the configuration of one Organization

When performing the export of the Organization using CX as a Code, it fails with this error message:

Error: Failed to get state for genesyscloud_routing_settings instance 0: Failed to get state for genesyscloud_routing_settings instance 0: [{0 [{0 Failed to read Contact center for routing setting 0: API Error: 403 - Unable to perform the requested action. You must have at least one of the following permissions assigned: [routing:transcriptionSettings:view] (4fa445c7-7dc4-44c6-9d87-81639f1bddc4)

The error asks me to add the permission "routing:transcriptionSettings:view".

This permission comes with Cloud CX 3 license, and we only have Cloud CX 1 license in this Organization, so the permission "routing:transcriptionSettings:view" is not even available, I cannot assign it to the OAuth Client used in CXasCode.

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