We found an issue with archy which is preventing our Cx As Code Pipeline to work. We have a inbound flow which is setting a skill value with string "cx-cd-one". This skill ID exists and is:
"id": "67d1a95a-9f4f-4379-98cf-ccdf72e8a229",
"name": "cx-cd-one",
"dateModified": "2023-03-21T13:34:52Z",
"state": "active",
"version": "1",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/routing/skills/67d1a95a-9f4f-4379-98cf-ccdf72e8a229"
But archy can't find it:
[31m│ [0m [0m [1m [31mError: [0m [0m [1mflow publish failed. JobID: 9b8fadd0-7156-4de4-
a564-42e8d7ac88bb, tracing messages: find 'Value To Assign 5' by value of 'cx-cd-one' -
no matches for 'cx-cd-one'. -- [ArchNetworkValueRetrieval]
[31m│ [0m [0m
[31m│ [0m [0mpromise unhandled exception caught. Error: no matches. --
[31m│ [0m [0m
[31m│ [0m [0msetting the Archy exit code to 100
27/02/2025, 16:18 gitlab.sharedservices.local/iac/inter/aws/crm/-/jobs/27548952/raw
https://gitlab.sharedservices.local/iac/inter/aws/crm/-/jobs/27548952/raw 5/6
[31m│ [0m [0m
[31m│ [0m [0mcould not find the 'skill' by name using the value 'cx-cd-one'.
[31m│ [0m [0mError details: no matches
[31m│ [0m [0m Path:
[31m│ [0m [0m Property name: 'value'
We believe that this is happening because this skill, when searched via API call, is retuned on the second page. So, archy wouldn't find it if it does not look up for the second page.
Has anybody seen some issue like that? Any thoughts on how to work it around?