CX Cloud SSO Integration Procedure w/ In-House CRM

Hello there,

We are tying to use the Embeddable Framework option for integrating with our in-house CRM, and when trying to do the SSO integration running into couple of issues.

We tried testing with the below options:
Turn On - Disable Genesys Cloud Login
Turn On - Use Pop-out Authentication for Embedded Iframes

When we are trying to invoke our enterprise SSO URL from within the iframe, we are getting an error message “Unable to connect to

Then we also tried to enable another option “Use Pop-out Authentication for Embedded Iframes” and then it was throwing a slightly different error as shown below:


Is there any other option that is available for us to try?
Or any other specific procedure on how to go about this integration?

We will appreciate any insights or further guidance on this issue.


Hi @saurabhpande
Do you have dedicatedLoginWindow=true as a query string param in your iframe url?
Documented in the settings here

The sso object shoud also be configured

Hi @jacobshaw ,

Yes, we do have dedicatedLoginWindow=true enabled as a query param in our iframe url.

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