Dashboard Real time Data Extraction

Hi Jerome,

Thanks for your quick response. I will use json.dums and will let you know.


Abhijeet Hivarkar

Hi Jerome,

Got below error while calling queue observation endpoint,
Error 1 attempt:
{"message": "The request timed out.", "code": "gateway.timeout", "status": 504, "details": [], "errors": []}
Error2 attempt:
{"message": "Server resources aren't available to complete the request. Please try again shortly.", "code": "service.unavailable", "status": 503, "messageParams": {}, "contextId": "90e3fa98-3c4e-4f88-b281-7a32335c748b", "details": [], "errors": []}

can you share the reason behind this.


Abhijeet Hivarkar

I suggest to open a ticket with Genesys Cloud Customer Care.


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