Decode.base64 for actions (or in architect)?


I can see option to encode.base64, and works fine.
I do not see a velocity macro to decode.base64 from a response from a web service call?
I also do not see a function in Architect to allow me to perform there if unable in action response.

Am I missing something, I can only do one way base64?

Looks like my last response on this question is still accurate:

I will let the product manager for Data Actions know that there have been a couple of requests for this.


For context, exactly same use case.
Working with a payment gateway that only supports XML.
I can work around the XML generation and parsing, albeit cumbersome but I need a decode for that.
If in action I can as a decode with url encoding to protect the json from additional quotes. In my case, an architect function though would be safer for action processing.

NB I looked for decode posts before creating this, did not find yours, not sure why?

Searching the Developer Forum for either "Decode" or "base64" returned that other thread as one of the top results for me. Are you seeing something different?


I should have been clearer.
Not seen any ideas post on Aha for this before I asked here.
I saw the linked post but that was closed so could not reply with my desire for same functionality.

If you can't find one please create an idea for this.


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